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Resolution No. 1: Conquer weeds. What is the best way to eliminate weeds from your lawn? Block them out with lush, healthy turf! When you deliver the nutrients your lawn needs – when it needs them – it will help to establish full growth before weeds even have a chance. Our weed control treatments are specifically formulated

A lush, green, and healthy spring lawn starts with fall fertilization. And if you want a better lawn to enjoy outside time with your family next spring and summer we have some tips for you. Understand the why’s and how-to’s of adding fall lawn fertilizer, with this easy-to-follow fall fertilization guide.

Unlike cow manure, dog poop is NOT good for grass because it is not a fertilizer. And, contrary to popular opinion not all poop is created equal. Dogs have a high protein-based diet that creates a very acidic excrement or waste product. Far more info than you ever wanted to know about your favorite furry

Now that the temperatures have warmed, families are emerging from weather-imposed hibernation to delight once again in outdoor living. For some homeowners, however, the summer season can be fraught with embarrassment as they covet their neighbor’s lush lawn and seek help from Mother Nature (and her helpers) to fix all that ails within their own

It’s been a rough winter in many parts of the country, but spring is here at last, and summer is right around the corner! That means it’s time to give your lawn a bit of TLC. Although grass is highly resilient, you can help your lawn recover from winter and make sure it’s in top

Have you ever wondered when the right time to apply fertilizer to your lawn is, or whether it’s okay to cut the grass really short? To help homeowners get their spring and summer lawn care off to a great start and to celebrate National Lawn Care Month in April, the National Association of Landscape Professionals,

April is National Lawn Care Month so it is a great time to think about what your lawn and landscape do for you. Even in the age of the smartphone and T.V. show binge watching, the love affair with the American yard is not over. According to an online survey commissioned by the National Association

Spring is right around the corner – it really is! It’s time to start thinking about your spring lawn. When the birds start singing, daffodils start to bloom, and the soft, sparkling light makes the world look fresh and new, it’s time to start tending to your lawn in preparation for a season of lush

Fall is beautiful when trees turn to brightly tinted hues, but those colorful leaves eventually tumble from treetops to litter your lawn. On the ground, leaves signal that it’s time to rake. Here’s a few tips to make this year’s leaf gathering easier. When to rake or mow It’s true, a few leaves won’t harm

If you have tried to get rid of fire ants before, you may have noticed how hard they are to get rid of. While many treatments will try to kill a mound of ants quickly, these are only temporary fixes and generally result in fire ant problems again in a short time span. As winter