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Summertime in Greater Houston means pool parties, backyard barbecues, and of course, beautiful lawns to host them on. But as the temperatures rise, so do the pesky weeds that threaten to ruin your picturesque outdoor space. Luckily, there’s a simple solution – a good old-fashioned summer weed and feed you’ve (hopefully) applied pre-season. If you’re unfamiliar

The average American spends over 70 hours a year treating their lawn each year. Are you tired of wasting so much time on your lawn? A professional lawn care service can help you reclaim your time so that you can start enjoying life more as opposed to spending all your free time tending to your

Here are some of the best summer lawn care tips for you to keep your lawn looking healthy and lush. Adjust Your Mowing Height In summer you want to adjust your mowing height a little higher, so your grass is a little taller than usual. The taller grass will shade the soil, reducing evaporation while

Trees and large shrubs benefit from some summer pruning. When done for the right reasons, pruning creates healthy, vigorous plants. Summer pruning also keeps plants tidy and can allow you to provide better clearance, when necessary. Cutting back plants can also help you direct growth. However, trees and shrubs should only be pruned if you

We’re at the mid-season point when many homeowners relax and sort of forget about their lawns, other than mowing them. You’ve spent countless hours this past spring fertilizing, watering, and weeding. All of this can be undone by the heat in mid-summer if you’re not paying attention. Our lawn experts put together a list of

Grass is tough and can handle a lot, but even the healthiest lawn will require some TLC to help it keep up with the high-traffic summer recreation season. Follow these three tips for improved summer durability to make sure your yard bounces back quickly from whatever you throw at it — whether your activity of

Now that the temperatures have warmed, families are emerging from weather-imposed hibernation to delight once again in outdoor living. For some homeowners, however, the summer season can be fraught with embarrassment as they covet their neighbor’s lush lawn and seek help from Mother Nature (and her helpers) to fix all that ails within their own

Whether you’re new to gardening or have a green thumb, summer is the perfect season to start your own garden. Now is the time to start thinking of all the possibilities the warm weather brings! “The first step to start your summer garden is considering what plants make you happy and what types of things