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Mon - Fri 8:00AM - 5:00PM
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It’s that time of year when the leaves change color and Halloween decorations take their place on lawns and porches everywhere. If you live in a neighborhood, you will probably see a few Halloween trick-or-treaters each year – out on the hunt for their annual candy haul. By preparing your lawn ahead of time, you

Most home owners never know if they have a thatch problem or not – until their lawn looks like this! What is thatch? It’s the dense, fibrous layer of living and dead grass shoots, stems, leaves and roots that accumulates between the green vegetation and the soil surface. A thin layer, ½ inch (12.7 mm)

Until the hot, humid days of summer are finally over, we hardly notice when fall, and winter, slip into Houston. Even our lawn hardly notices because warm-season grasses can stay green into late fall. They only go dormant when the temperatures stay below 60 degrees. Although snow is rare in Houston, we can’t dismiss the

Unfortunately, it’s true. Dogs and lawns do not play well together. Dogs love to roll and lay in grass. But they also enjoy urinating all over it, running well-worn paths through it, and digging it up. So what is a dog lover-lawn lover to do? There is hope. Consider adding a pea gravel path Pea