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Coastal Green was honored to be featured on the cover of Living Magazine – Katy/Fulshear! Check out the article – click here

This time of year, instead of a blanket of lush green grass, the back yard is a patchy reminder of a lawn that could use some attention. Nothing to be done but wait until spring, right? Not necessarily. Your lawn may not be ready for the mower but dormant seeding the lawn now will help

There is one (among many) great thing about living in Texas – our winters are not as harsh as other parts of the country. We have the luxury of sitting back and kicking up our boots while the rest of the country is fighting freezing temps and snowstorms. We only have about 18 days a

A lush, green, and healthy spring lawn starts with fall fertilization. And if you want a better lawn to enjoy outside time with your family next spring and summer we have some tips for you. Understand the why’s and how-to’s of adding fall lawn fertilizer, with this easy-to-follow fall fertilization guide.

Doing a bit of weeding in early autumn, before the leaves begin to fall, can mean fewer weeds and perhaps less plant disease in your lawn’s future. It will not eliminate every weed, but you may find they are relatively easy to cull in the fall. By the end of summer, many warm season weeds

September is the most common month for hurricanes to make U.S. landfall, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, and with severe storms and tornadoes appearing around the country, it is more important than ever to take steps and be prepared before, during and after a storm.

One day you have a lush, green St. Augustine lawn and then you notice gray spots on the leaves. Soon, large parts of your lawn look like they’ve been blow-torched. What’s wrong with your lawn? The culprit is most likely a fungus called gray leaf spot. Gray leaf spot initially appears as spots on the

Here are some of the best summer lawn care tips for you to keep your lawn looking healthy and lush. Adjust Your Mowing Height In summer you want to adjust your mowing height a little higher, so your grass is a little taller than usual. The taller grass will shade the soil, reducing evaporation while