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April is National Lawn Care Month so it is a great time to think about what your lawn and landscape do for you. Even in the age of the smartphone and T.V. show binge watching, the love affair with the American yard is not over. According to an online survey commissioned by the National Association

Spring is right around the corner – it really is! It’s time to start thinking about your spring lawn. When the birds start singing, daffodils start to bloom, and the soft, sparkling light makes the world look fresh and new, it’s time to start tending to your lawn in preparation for a season of lush

Fall is beautiful when trees turn to brightly tinted hues, but those colorful leaves eventually tumble from treetops to litter your lawn. On the ground, leaves signal that it’s time to rake. Here’s a few tips to make this year’s leaf gathering easier. When to rake or mow It’s true, a few leaves won’t harm

If you have tried to get rid of fire ants before, you may have noticed how hard they are to get rid of. While many treatments will try to kill a mound of ants quickly, these are only temporary fixes and generally result in fire ant problems again in a short time span. As winter

It’s that time of year when the leaves change color and Halloween decorations take their place on lawns and porches everywhere. If you live in a neighborhood, you will probably see a few Halloween trick-or-treaters each year – out on the hunt for their annual candy haul. By preparing your lawn ahead of time, you

It seems like mosquito breeding season never ends in Texas, so we must always prepare to do battle with these pesky bugs. So, what can you do to help get rid of the mosquitoes from your yard? We have a few suggestions on how to decrease the chances that mosquitoes will breed in your yard.

After a hot summer, a lawn can easily fizzle, trading lush green for crispy brown shades. The causes of brown grass vary. Insect feeding, drought stress, soil compaction, or other factors can combine with heat to damage grass. In this weakened state, a lawn is more susceptible to attack by weeds and insects. Some simple

Most home owners never know if they have a thatch problem or not – until their lawn looks like this! What is thatch? It’s the dense, fibrous layer of living and dead grass shoots, stems, leaves and roots that accumulates between the green vegetation and the soil surface. A thin layer, ½ inch (12.7 mm)

Until the hot, humid days of summer are finally over, we hardly notice when fall, and winter, slip into Houston. Even our lawn hardly notices because warm-season grasses can stay green into late fall. They only go dormant when the temperatures stay below 60 degrees. Although snow is rare in Houston, we can’t dismiss the

Unfortunately, it’s true. Dogs and lawns do not play well together. Dogs love to roll and lay in grass. But they also enjoy urinating all over it, running well-worn paths through it, and digging it up. So what is a dog lover-lawn lover to do? There is hope. Consider adding a pea gravel path Pea