There is one (among many) great thing about living in Texas – our winters are not as harsh as other parts of the country. We have the luxury of sitting back and kicking up our boots while the rest of the country is fighting freezing temps and snowstorms. We only have about 18 days a year where the temperature dips below freezing. It is nice being a Texan!

With that being said, we still must think about our lawns during the winter – even in Houston. To prepare your winter lawn for spring, you should utilize the cooler temperatures to get some things done. Here are a few tips to keep your lawn and garden thriving this winter.

Watering in Winter

It is a fact; a well-watered plant will withstand freezing temperatures better. If there is a freeze advisory, you should take the opportunity to fortify your lawn, flowers, and plants with water. After you have given them a good drink, then cover flowers and plants that can be damaged by frost and freezing.

If you some of your plants do get frost damage, do not trim off any of the damage until the end of January after the most severe weather has normally blown over (keep in mind, we have had some late freezes in early spring). Those dead parts, while a bit unsightly, help your flowers and plants make it through another freeze.

Most people do not think of winter as a dry time of year, but why do you think we get chapped lips in the winter? The cold climate tends to suck the moisture right out of everything, including your plants. Until more optimal conditions return, take time to water your lawn and garden. If we have a moderate rainfall, you can water about once a week until February.

Winter Lawn Mowing

Mowing in January slows down quite a bit. It all really depends on the weather so use your best judgement. You can postpone mowing and leave a light covering of leaves (not heavy – this will suffocate your lawn) to protect your grass.

This is also a good time of year to do some maintenance on your mower. Sharpen the blade, change the oil, and make sure everything is working so that by the time spring rolls around you are ready to go.

Winter Lawn Care Reminders

Just because your grass may be dormant during the winter months, that does not mean it is dead. In the winter, your lawn needs as much TLC as you can give it because dormant grass is less resilient than active grass. This means it is easily damaged by foot traffic, chemicals, or other processes such as aeration and filling. Wait until warmer weather to rev up lawn repair and other maintenance.

Winter lawn care may not be one of your favorite pastimes, but it is a necessary thing for a vibrant and healthy lawn come spring.

If you need help with your lawn, please give us a call for a free quote!

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Myrna Gutierrez

“ Myrna Gutierrez is at the core of Coastal Green Turf Management, driving the company’s success in providing top-tier turf management services. Her expertise in creating and maintaining vibrant, healthy green spaces has established Coastal Green as a leader in its field. Myrna’s commitment to sustainable practices ensures that every project promotes ecological balance while achieving the aesthetic and functional goals of clients. Coastal Green Turf Management is dedicated to transforming landscapes into lush, green environments that clients can enjoy for years to come.”